In the event of a loss in your insured home, you are obliged to follow a declaration procedure. This is necessary, even mandatory, for you to be adequately compensated. To learn more about this subject, read the following article!
Claim: definition
According to Articles L112-1 et seq., L114-1 et seq., L121-1 et seq., L122-7, L123-1 et seq, L124-1-1 of the Insurance Code, the term “claim” is used in the legal vocabulary of insurance law to designate any circumstance provided for in the insurance contract, such as theft, fire, death of the policyholder or a third party, shipwreck or water damage, the occurrence of which generates for the insurance company the obligation to perform the agreed service. To be sure of being compensated, the following steps must be followed to the letter:
Make a Report of the Damage
Before taking any administrative steps, it is essential to know all the measures to be taken concerning the damage. It is, therefore, necessary to implement all the emergency works to mitigate the aggravation of the situation:
- For water damage: you must cut off the water supply, then examine the leak’s origin and try to stop it before the technician intervenes.
- In case of theft, you must file a complaint with the police station or the gendarmerie. This is very useful to be able to start the insurance procedures. Moreover, it will be requested by the consultant during his intervention.
- When a natural disaster occurs, it is necessary to put in place the precautionary and safety measures that are in place.
- Suppose the diagnosis of the damage is made by a professional. In that case, the following documents must be gathered to be given to the expert, sent by the reassurer: his last balance sheet, his profit and loss account with or without the tax return, the invoices or proofs of purchase and/or photographs and the list of all damaged goods.
Call in an Expert
The expert is well placed to assist you in the event of a claim. He evaluates the claim and makes sure that you will be compensated. Indeed, he does his best to accelerate the implementation of safeguard measures. Since he collaborates with other service providers, he can propose a direct assumption of responsibility for the whole or part of the work by one of them. In addition, he establishes the estimate for the repair of the damage. Also, he helps you to carry out all the necessary administrative steps. In this case, the following documents must be gathered:
if you are an owner: a proof of ownership is required, together with a copy of your national identity card;
if you are a tenant: the rental contract must be presented.
Putting Together the Claim File
A claim file must include:
- a statement gathering all the elements used for the insurance contract ;
all the damages suffered; - In the case of a car, the file must be renamed by its registration number and include
- the application voucher;
- the provisional registration form ;
- the credit contract;
- the statement of information used to constitute the new insurance contract;
- a copy of both sides of the driver’s license and the vehicle registration document;
- a certificate of the number engraved on the key reference windows;
- a complete guided photo scan of the vehicle’s condition.
Once the file is complete, the insurance broker must be contacted by the insurance company. He will archive it on a secure server to guarantee the authenticity and integrity of the documents provided. A secure report with time-stamped, geo-located photos associated with an electronic signature is then given to the owner.